Colosseum in Rome - the most magnificent arena


Every year, architectural masterpieces appear on our planet that amaze with their complexity, originality, and beauty. Glittering with the latest materials, building structures assembled with the help of modern technology, they are admirable. However, among the majestic sights created by ordinary human hands, there are those that have become an eternal value, the memory of the history of the planet, for example, the Colosseum in Rome.

Construction history

For 8 years, day and night, by the hellish labor of slaves, the project of the architect Quintius Ateria was implemented to create a majestic amphitheater of antiquity. The main goal of creating an architectural miracle was the desire to perpetuate the power of the Flavian dynasty, the greatness of Rome. Based on the predictions of the soothsayers, 77 living slaves were buried in the foundation of the structure, which should stand for at least 77 centuries.

The beginning of construction is associated with the name of Emperor Vespasian in 72 AD. The consecration of the amphitheater, erected on the site of the famous lake of the Golden House of Nero, was carried out by Emperor Titus after 8 years. It was a triumph for the victory of suppressing the revolt of the Jews, who were included in the lists of 100,000 prisoners involved in the construction. They were the ones who erected the building, which was included in the list of seven famous wonders of the world by the poet Martial in the 1st century.

The ancient Colosseum can tell about different moments in its long history, for example, the fire of 217. About the holiday held in honor of the millennium of Rome, brutal gladiatorial battles, the earthquake of 1349, the devastating wounds of the invasion of the barbarians, the numerous restorations of the amphitheater. Any moments in the life of a public building reflected the historical events of Rome. No wonder the pilgrims of the 7th century said that “As long as the Colosseum stands, Rome will stand. When Rome falls, the world will fall. "

Purpose of construction

A glorious and mournful monument to the cruel empire of Rome, it was erected as a theater providing "bread and circuses", the main political way of maintaining power by the country's powerful rulers. The historical, cult symbol of Rome, the creation of the highest engineering thought was intended for large-scale holidays, shows, mysteries. In the country, in many places, the construction of structures of ancient theaters was carried out. These events reliably distracted the residents of the city from dissatisfaction with the policies of the emperors.

It was possible to visit the spectacles in the Colosseum without payment, having received flour for making bread at the entrance. Huge financial investments in all events held in the Colosseum emphasized the wealth and power of the current ruler. Moreover, they passed on the site of the lands transferred to the people after the death of the hated Nero. In honor of the opening of the Colosseum, a celebration was organized lasting 97 days. About two thousand brave gladiators, three thousand different animals died during the period.

Deep wells located in the undergrounds of the Colosseum received the bodies of the dead. There is a legend according to which at that moment the name of a monster who lived in the undergrounds of the Colosseum, thirsty for blood and pain, became known. The same feeling of unusual cruelty, inhuman attitude towards living beings brought extraordinary pleasure to the spectators of the amphitheater.

The huge size of the amphitheater was not the first in the history of Ancient Rome. Unfortunately, the most grandiose building, called the Circus Maximus, has not survived. It is known that the center was a hippodrome, where chariot races were held in the presence of about 300 thousand spectators.

Origin of name

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the Colosseum. Initially, the architectural landmark was called the "Flavian Amphitheater", confirming the main purpose of its construction. Later it was called Caesar's amphitheater, Arena. Much later, the majestic dimensions of the building gave it the name Colosseum, meaning "colossal" (colosseum). According to another version, this is associated with the statue of Nero, which stood nearby. It was made of gold-plated bronze. The height of the statue was equal to a 12-storey modern building. Her whereabouts are currently unknown.

There is a hypothesis based on the meaning of the word Collis Iseum or the name of the hill on which the table is the temple of the goddess Isis. And another meaning of this word is the question "Do you worship him?" It was asked in the black magic rituals of the Satanists that take place here at night during the late Renaissance. Whatever version of the existence of the name of the amazing place was accepted, the Colosseum has been wearing it for about 2 thousand years.

Why destroyed

With the fall of the Roman Empire, a period of destruction of the famous amphitheater began. The invasion of the barbarians in 410 AD caused huge damage to the building, provoking a huge financial crisis for the empire. The cost of maintaining the amphitheater has dropped dramatically. The nascent Christianity forbade the killing of people and animals. The last bloody show was held in 523. The need for entertaining shows has disappeared. The purpose of the Colosseum has changed.

The constant destruction of the amphitheater led to the disappearance of most of the buildings. According to experts, only in the Stone Age two-thirds of the structure died. Forever forgotten is the passage to the underground sea, where the terrible monster of Nero lived in darkness and darkness, which remained in myths and legends. The Middle Ages used the Colosseum as a castle, fortress. The rules of life of the Renaissance, the earthquake that destroyed the southern part of the amphitheater, allowed local residents to take building blocks, bricks, marble for personal use with impunity.

Chancery Palace, Venetian Palace, Palazzo Farnese, Cathedrals of Saints Peter, John the Baptist on the Lutheran Hill were built from building material taken from the walls of the Colosseum. Among the ruins of the Colosseum, reminiscent of a shadow from its past, the homeless found shelter, the church held events in memory of the shed blood. The end of the destruction of the Colosseum is associated with the name of Pope Benedict XIV in the 18th century.

Until now, every Good Friday, the Procession of the Cross is performed by believing Christians. The remaining part of the building was gradually restored. In the 18th century, the Colosseum was classified as a monument of history and architecture. It opened for tourists on July 19, 2000, and 2007 made it an element of the UNESCO lists as a World Heritage Site.


Until now, engineering solutions used in the construction of the Colosseum are used in the construction of modern stadiums and arenas. It is unlikely that surprise will ever disappear from the methods of creating a water flow in the amphitheater, the unusual strength of the arched structure, which allows holding thousands of spectators, ensuring their safety, including from fires.

The amphitheater in each place had an optimal inclination of the seats, an easy way to find a specific place, free entry and exit. The massive structure, thanks to the ideas of the architects of ancient Rome, who used a honeycomb structure, acquired an unusual lightness, beauty of stone lace.


Looking at the preserved walls of the Colosseum, one cannot see the elements of the classical models of Greek temples in the form of rectangular rows of columns decorated with pediments. The closest appearance of the Colosseum resembles a honeycomb of numerous arches connected according to the laws of an ellipse with dimensions of 83x48 m. This form forbade the gladiator to fight in corners that were not visible to some spectators. This technique is still used today in the design of sports buildings.

All 80 entrances were decorated with statues of famous personalities of the country, gods. The entrances are made of travertine, marble, red brick, tuff. Four of them were used by persons from the highest nobility. They led to the lower row of the amphitheater.Four tiers were used to accommodate the spectators. The lower devices consisted of arcades (80 arches each). An orange linen awning was attached to the cornice of the fourth tier, protecting the audience from the bright sun and rain. During the reign of Domitian, another level was built to the amphitheater with standing places for the poor, slaves, women.

The entrance to the performances was prohibited to actors, former gladiators, gravediggers. The even distribution of entrances along the perimeter of the amphitheater made it possible to fill the arena in 15 minutes, and to empty it if necessary in just 5 minutes. This constructive solution is called "vomitoria" ("vomere", which means "erupt"). It is still used today. The system of steps and corridors allowed spectators, without interfering with each other, to quickly climb to their places.

Until now, on the walls of the Colosseum, you can see the numbers of revenge written in distant times. On the outside of the Colosseum there were entrances to the basements, where gladiators were waiting to enter the arena. Animals were kept in huge cages, rooms for the wounded and the dead were equipped. All rooms were connected by a system of 38 elevators operating on cables and chains.

Dimensions (edit)

The most famous amphitheater of antiquity has an outer ellipse length of 524 m. Its major axis is 188 m, the small one is 156 m long. The arena is made in the form of a smaller ellipse. Its length is 85.5 m, width is 53.5 m. The Colosseum stands on a foundation with a width of 13 m. The height of the building reaches 50 m. 80 walls directed along a radius were used in the structure of the building. A large number of pillars (about 240 pcs.), Relieving the pressure of the bearing arches The entire building was surrounded by a 17.5 m wide path covered with travertine.

Internal organization

Inside the amphitheater there was an arena, seats for spectators on different tiers. The more significant the position of a person, the lower the place was given to him. The system of social subordination was strictly adhered to. There were pillows on the stone steps below, and you could bring your own chair. The arena of wooden planks was separated from the audience by a metal grate. Service passages for moving people and decorations were located under it.

It was possible to fill the arena with water for famous naval battles. The slope of the arena floor was regulated. It was carefully covered with a layer of sand for effective absorption of blood. Incense vats were installed around the arena to neutralize the smell of blood.

The total number of seats (50,000) was divided into tiers corresponding to the tiers of the facade. The bottom row (podium) belonged to the emperor, his family, and senators. In the first tier there were 20 rows, in the second 16, for the representatives of the middle class. There was a wall between the second and third tiers. The seats of the third tier had a greater inclination. Representatives of the lower classes sat on them. The interior of the Colosseum is made of bricks, tuff, marble, large stones, blocks, pieces, wood.

During the performances, merchants were allowed to offer their goods to spectators. These were souvenirs in the form of a gladiator's costume, figurines of famous warriors, delicious food. At the entrance to the Colosseum, an invitation (tesser) was presented, which was a marble plate or cube with an indication of the place. Spectators had to follow the instructions for choosing clothes. In this case, men should be in a toga.

The purpose of the amphitheater

Life was raging in the Colosseum, it was considered a popular meeting place for representatives of different classes. Fierce battles, murders were a natural requirement of the population of those times. It sometimes seems to modern tourists that rivers of blood and pain have permeated the ancient land. And a terrible monster awaits its heyday, hiding in the deep depths. What did the Romans admire so much? These were venationes (hunting for animals), munera (gladiatorial fights), naumachia (sea battles).

Gladiator fights

A little more than four centuries on the arena exactly at noon, the spectacle planned earlier opened. Gladiator fights were carried out by order of influential persons in honor of the festivities, perpetuating the memory of famous ancestors. The start of the games was planned for the morning, but the gladiators together with musicians, actors, mimes, priests were the first to enter the arena. The initial fight was conducted by a pregenarius fighting with a wooden sword, creating an emotional atmosphere for the audience.

Depending on the type of weapon, clothing, professional gladiators were called retiarius, murmillon, samnite, thrace, dimacher, skisser, etc. Professional qualities, the rules of warfare were developed in special schools called ludus. Only at the very beginning of the organization of spectacles, the role of gladiators was played by prisoners, criminals who fought as best they could. Then they were brought up from among slaves, ordinary residents, who considered the battle in the arena to be a prestigious, highly paid service. At the end of the Roman Empire, almost half of the total number of gladiators consisted of free citizens.

The preparation of a real gladiator was considered a long, complicated matter and was carried out under an oath "to endure punishment with a whip, a stigma, to accept death by the sword." The weakening gladiator had the right to ask for mercy. He raised up, index and ring fingers. Only the emperor, with his gesture (thumb up or down), decided the fate of the fighter. Delight, the opinion of the crowd reflected on the fate of the gladiator. He was given a special wreath, the slave was given freedom and a wooden sword (rudium) engraved with the name of the soldier.

The rules of engagement were carefully thought out. They were taught in schools, it was forbidden to break the rules. The fighters began their first battles at the age of about 17 years. The average life expectancy before death did not exceed 5 years. Few fought more than 50 battles. Up to 75% of gladiators died during the first 10 fights. The life of the slaves was not appreciated; after death, their bodies were thrown out to be eaten by stray dogs.

The fate of those participating in gladiatorial battles was different. The bodies were dumped into deep mines leading to the underground sea where the monster lived. This was a kind of justification for the all-powerful people of the empire (death to continue life). The famous slave uprising led by Spartacus confirms the difficult living conditions in schools. The last battle of gladiators took place in 404. The emerging Christianity ended the tradition of killing people.

Hunting animals

Often, as a prelude to the performance of gladiators at the Colosseum, hunting for various wild animals was organized. Tigers, elephants, lions, pythons, crocodiles, bulls, bears were caught in advance throughout the entire area of ​​the empire and delivered to the place. Two options were used to fight: a man with an animal and a pair of animals. At the same time, one could see not only the natural combination of warring parties, for example, a lion with a tiger, a bull with a bear, but also unequal or impossible attacks in natural conditions.

Sometimes the unfortunate animal was chained to the floor of the arena, depriving it of the ability to maneuver for protection. It is said that around 9,000 animals died during the opening of the Colosseum alone. There is historical evidence that during the reign of Sulla 100 lions fought in the arena, under Julius Caesar their number increased to 400 units. In honor of Troyan's victory, 11 thousand different animals were killed.

Naval battles

Costly naval battles, called Navmachia, began in the third century BC. They were carried out only in exceptional cases, and confirming facts exist about five battles. The first naval battle that took place in the Colosseum is the battle dedicated to Caesar's triumph in the victorious war of 46 BC. e. In the arena filled with water, real warships floated (biremes, quadrirems). Real battles took place on their decks. Until now, not all the secrets of the flow of water to the arena have been studied.

Often during the Naumachia, real historical battles were played. For example, the battle of Salamis, the defeat of the Athenian flotilla.After the construction of underground tunnels under the arena (during the reign of Domitian), naval battles are not carried out. For such entertainment, it was decided to build sites on natural reservoirs.

Colosseum today

An ancient landmark, which Italy and the whole world are proud of, is very popular among tourists. The history of a difficult stage in the life of the planet has not disappeared. For excursions, hikes, we saved all the remaining wreckage, placing them in their original place. Archaeological excavations have opened access to the inspection of the Colosseum's dungeons, where gladiators were waiting to go into battle. On the majestic walls, the third tier of the Colosseum has been restored, a wooden path leading to the spectator rows.

The arena, the walls are impregnated with a modern water-repellent agent that protects against moisture. Even the remaining ruins of the Colosseum are impressive. Sometimes the Pope's services, concerts of famous singers and musicians are held next to them. Around the walls are actors in the form of gladiators, Roman legionnaires, inviting for interesting filming for memory.

Opening hours and ticket prices

To get to the arena through the ancient entrance, you need to purchase an entrance ticket in advance, take part in an organized excursion. One entrance ticket costs 12 €. The Colosseum opens at 8.30 am and works until 6.30 pm. Closing time is determined by the beginning of sunset.

Where is it located and how to get there

The famous landmark is located in the central part of Rome. Surrounded by three hills (Tselievsky, Palatinsky, Esquilinsky). Now on the site of the palace of Nero is a section of the street of the Imperial Forums, passing next to the Capitol Hill, the Roman Forum. At its end is the Colosseum. You can come to this place by bus routes 850, 810, 186, 85, 75, 60. By tram number 3, taxi. Not far from the attraction is the stop of the blue metro line "Colloseo".

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Colosseum on the map


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