Interesting facts about Brazil


Brazil occupies a huge area in the Latin American continent. The famous Amazon River, tropical jungle and an impressive world of plants and animals are all part of this amazing country. But Brazil is interesting not only in terms of active tourism. The pages of her history are filled with unusual and unique facts, which we invite you to get acquainted with.

Historical uniqueness

The modern name of Brazil is directly related to one of the varieties of mahogany. Not so long ago, the vast country was known as the "Land of the Holy Cross".

If you look into any encyclopedia, you will be surprised to find an unusual fact. It turns out that in Brazil there is no official religion, and this despite the fact that many are convinced Catholics.

The capital of Brazil was designed by one of the geniuses of modern architecture - Oscar Niemeyer. He is one of the best designers in the world, and his work is always admired. Just imagine, the main city of Brazil was built in just 3.5 years. There is hardly another country that can boast of such a record time for the construction of the city.

We have all heard about the famous Rio de Janeiro. Ostap Bender, well-known to many, dreamed of this city, colorful carnivals are held in it every year and it is he who is a real symbol of modern Brazil. But we are willing to bet that not everyone knows how the name of this city is translated. Translated, it sounds like "January River". It is difficult to answer where such an original name came from.

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It is in Rio that a grandiose structure is located - the statue of the Savior. This is not just a symbol of Brazil, it is a real amulet, therefore, the attitude towards it is appropriate. The statue belongs to one of the seven modern Wonders of the World.

Unusual facts about Brazil

Each city, without exception, has suburbs - favelas. It is home to all those who find themselves below the poverty line, crime flourishes here, which terrifies even law enforcement officials, and the local police are distinguished by their brutality. Being here for tourists means putting your life in jeopardy. All riots and atrocities begin precisely in these poor areas.

To get acquainted with the laws of the favelas in more detail, to plunge into the life of a special caste of the population, it is recommended to watch a film called "City of God". The film contains an unspoken truth that all the inhabitants of the favelas have long understood. On the streets, every man for himself.

Although Brazil is not considered the birthplace of football, it is one of the countries in which this sport is equated with art. Part of the population, young and old, is not just interested in football, but regularly play this team game. Many famous footballers are of Brazilian descent, and the participation of the national team in tournaments is always considered a public holiday.

In addition, only in Brazil, each city has its own stadium. The country has long held the record for the number of these sports facilities.

Well, how can you avoid the grandiose carnivals that are held annually in Brazil? Thousands of Brazilians put on amazing outfits and dance tirelessly for four days and nights. Thousands of tourists from all over the world come to see the dance extravaganza. These days the whole country is moving in the fiery rhythm of samba. As the New Year in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is celebrated, read our article.

Brazil is considered one of the most transsexual friendly. There are so many of them here that the local authorities had to equip another type of toilets for special visitors.

On the streets of Brazilian cities, you can often see the three-finger gesture known in Russia. The so-called "fig" in a Latin American country is considered a gesture of protection.

But the attitude towards marriage in Brazil is not the same as in most countries of the world. The optimal age for marriage in terms of local customs is 25 years. Early marriages are not welcome here.

The country ranks first in the number of apples produced and is considered one of the leaders in the introduction of alternative biofuels.

There is also an Enchanted Well here in Brazil. What it is? Read our article. You will be pleasantly surprised.


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