The Bridge of Sighs in Venice - a romantic place with a dark past


An outstanding example of the collection of Venetian bridges - "The Bridge of Sighs" - is wildly popular among travelers. Even a person who has never been to Italy could see him in numerous photographs flashing on the Internet. And if you happened to visit the famous city on the water, then not to capture yourself and your loved ones against the background of an outstanding architectural monument or not to swim under it on a gondola is the greatest omission.

History of the construction of the bridge

The famous Baroque bridge was designed and erected under the strict guidance of the architect Antonio Contino. The young creator was the nephew of his more eminent uncle Antonio da Ponte, who designed the Rialto Bridge connecting the banks of the Grand Canal. Equally gifted, they helped each other in the design of their masterpieces. Contino's ambitious project took two years to come to life, starting in 1600. The beautiful object on the outside was built with a practical purpose - to connect the Doge's palace and the old prison with the new dungeons on the other side of the canal.

Legends of the Bridge of Sighs in Venice

There are many legends about how the world famous building received such a sublime and “tasty” name from a tourist point of view, but most often two are heard among the local population.

According to the first legend, the sighs mentioned in the title belong to hopeless criminals sentenced to death. A small covered bridge connects the magnificent Doge's Chambers, the abode of the city rulers and the place of justice, with a damp, dark and filthy dungeon on the other side of the canal, called the "new prison." Before being imprisoned, the criminals and traitors of Italy ended up in the Doge's palace, where a ruthless sentence was passed on them. After that, they were escorted to the other side of the canal, allowing one last breath of fresh air through the tiny windows before finding themselves in a terrible and gloomy place, where only a few could survive until the day of execution without catching a terrible infection and retaining their sanity.

Crossing the small bridge, the prisoners sighed languidly, turning their gaze to their beloved city, knowing that they were no longer allowed to admire its beautiful views. This legend is undermined a little by the well-known historical fact that the death penalty was abolished by the time the bridge was built, and only petty thieves and crooks were kept in the dungeons, who did not need to sigh dramatically before being sent to jail.

The second legend is much brighter and more pleasant. It tells the story of couples in love and their languid sighs under the bridge. After all, Venice is a famous abode of love. And that is why the "Bridge of Sighs" inevitably attracts hundreds of romantic-minded visitors. Or maybe it's the quirky design that looks a bit like a wedding cake from afar. It is believed that if lovers swim under the bridge in a gondola at sunset to the ringing of the bells of St. Mark's Cathedral and kiss at that moment, they are guaranteed eternal happiness and great love. It is not so easy to implement all the points, because it is almost impossible to catch a magic ringing, and therefore love couples just ride and kiss to the songs of gondoliers, enjoying a pleasant walk.

An interesting fact - the famous hero-lover Giacomo Casanova was captured by the Venetian authorities and also experienced the dubious happiness of crossing the bridge. But his farewell sigh came out not so goodbye - after 15 months of imprisonment, a familiar monk helped the passionate lover of the fair sex to leave the dark dungeons.

Modern Bridge of Sighs

The most beautiful "Bridge of Sighs" rises high above the "Rio di Palazzo" canal, being a prominent representative of the "Baroque" architectural style. It is made of white natural stone and rises as much as 11 meters. If you take a closer look, you can see amazing design details, including twenty carved faces (mascarons) located on the bottom of the arch. In 17th century Italy, mascarons were often used to decorate facades. Unlike the creepy gargoyles, they could be comical, sad, or neutral. So on the "bridge of sighs" depicted are sad, angry and one smiling face.

Those who have had a chance to admire the wonderful bridge only in photographs will have to experience considerable surprise when they find themselves inside. The exterior of the building is very modest and gloomy. And since dozens of prisoners have long passed through it, there are two separate passages on the bridge, which were made so that criminals and respectable citizens did not intersect with each other.

Having gained fame among those struck by the arrow of Cupid, the small bridge attracted the attention of architects around the world. When traveling to cities in America, England or Canada, you will easily notice familiar features in local buildings. Even in Russian St. Petersburg there is a similar architectural structure - an unnamed bridge across the Kryukov Canal. The amazing bridge inspired not only architects and builders, but also other creators. So, for example, the gloomy writer Edgar Poe mentioned him in his short story, and Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel depicted the memorial place on one of the canvases. Contemporary artists also turn to such a colorful Venetian creation. Guitarist and vocalist Robin Trover named an entire album in honor of the bridge, in which he dedicated the song of the same name to him. And the 1979 film "Little Romance" is entirely devoted to testing the romantic legend of the kiss on the gondola.

The best photographs are obtained from two points: Ponte de la Canonica on the north side and Ponte della Paglia on the south.

Where is the bridge and how to get to it

Address: Piazza San Marco 1, 30100

It is not difficult to reach it on foot if you are walking around the famous square, or use the vaporetto (water bus) service from the San Zaccaria or Vallaresso stops. It would be best to admire the bridge from the outside, since tourists are allowed inside only by prior reservation at a pre-agreed time, or as part of a tourist group, as part of the excursion program.

Bridge of Sighs on the map


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